The girls from the Teen Mom franchise may be famous reality stars, but they're still real parents with responsibilities, drama, and hilarious parenting stories to tell! They're not afraid to get real about motherhood, and those down and dirty moments have produced some of the most hilariosu tweets ever!

While Kailyn Lowry's sons are absolutely adorable, they're still boys. Which means things are bound to get gross once and a while. Case in point: on June 1, when one of Kail's kids asked her (for some unknown reason) to give his stinky pits a good sniff!

When it comes to being a mom, you can basically never get a second alone. Kids love attention, so good luck taking a shower, bath, or even peeing in peace ever again. Kail learned that the hard way!

You could literally buy a billion pacifiers, sippy cups, or wash cloths, and you could still never have one on hand when you need it. We love the image of Jenelle digging around for a sippy cup in the morning while the kids scream for juice. It's so real!

Moms can't always find time to go to a movie or enjoy a date night with the hubby, so Chelsea admits she settles for deep dives on YouTube. Like… really deep.

But at least she has her kids to entertain her. Kids love to tell totally unfiltered stories, like when her daughter told her this gem about group time. Yikes!

Chelsea is also the only pregnant Teen Mom right now, and she's learning the hard way that vacations might just not be worth it while she's expecting.

No two kids are the same Briana shared this hilarious comparison of her baby Stella to her daughter Nova. While Nova was easy peasy, she just can't get Stella under control, so she's considering taking drastic measures!

One of the best parts of having kids just might be getting to prank them. When Catelynn realized that Easter and April Fools were the same day, she came up with a devious (but hilarious) plan.

And then there are all of the hilarious sayings kids come up with. We love this one from Leah's daughter.

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