Teen Mom alum Jenelle Evans shares son Jace with her former high school boyfriend, Andrew Lewis, who has avoided the public eye since they split in August 2009. However, he was later featured in an episode of Teen Mom 2 after reaching out to one of the show’s executive producers to meet up with Jenelle and Jace. So, where has he been since they called it quits?

Keep reading to get an update on where Andrew is today. 

Jenelle Said Andrew Was a Controlling Boyfriend

The Teen Mom 2 personality and her ex’s two-year romance began in high school when they initially met on the internet, as Jenelle pointed out in her July 2017 memoir Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom. They dated from 2007 to 2009 when he left her after Jace was born that August.

“We met online and talked through messages for a couple of weeks,” the MTV star recalled in her book. “Just after my birthday in December, we finally met in person.” She then explained how “enamored” she was with him to the point where she didn’t think twice about his drinking habits or their six-year age difference.

“He did drink, a lot,” Jenelle wrote. “I mean, I like a beer every now and again, but he stayed wasted most of the time. At 16, I thought that was so cool. He drank more than he should, and I thought it was so adult and fascinating.”

Aside from Andrew’s drinking choices, Jenelle also described one of the major downsides in their relationship, noting that she “became a doormat for the guy.”

“He came and got what he wanted from me, when he wanted it, and I waited for him to tell me what to do,” the “Jenelle Evans Podcast” host added in her memoir. “We had to talk when he wanted to talk, no matter the odd hours. We had to go out when he wanted to go out. We did what he wanted to do.”

And when Jenelle informed Andrew of her pregnancy, she claimed he “put on a smile to make [her] happy.”

“Yet in my gut I could feel that he wasn’t interested in having a kid,” she wrote. “I knew then he wouldn’t stick around. And he didn’t.”

Andrew Lewis and Pregnant Jenelle Evans

Andrew Moved Away While Jenelle Was Pregnant

In Jenelle’s 2017 memoir, she recalled how her then-high school sweetheart only “visited [her] a few times” throughout her pregnancy journey on 16 and Pregnant.

“He was more interested in partying with his friends and getting drunk than spending time with his pregnant girlfriend,” Jenelle claimed in her book. “Not to mention he was broker than f–k and didn’t have a job. What in the heck did I ever see in him?”

As their relationship came to an end, Andrew broke up with Jenelle in order to start modeling in China, as he claimed at the time.

Andrew Is Not Present in Jace’s Life

After Jace’s birth and the couple’s split, Andrew has only seen their son on rare occasions, which Jenelle mentioned in her book as well.

“He never comes to see his son though he still calls and says he wants to,” she wrote in her memoir. “It just never happens … He signed away his custody and I don’t know if he will ever be in his son’s life again.”

Andrew later tried to return to Jace’s life. He was mentioned in a Teen Mom 2 episode, which aired in January 2019, for texting an executive producer, asking if he could meet with Jace and Jenelle in New York City. And in December 2020, rumors spread that Jenelle had been hooking up with her ex, which she vehemently denied in a since-deleted tweet.

“She’s been rumored to be hooking up with Jace’s dad,” a fan wrote via Twitter that month, to which Jenelle responded, “Lmfaoooo uhm [sic] … no one has talked to Andrew in years. Nice try.”

One year later, Jenelle seemingly dissed her ex in a TikTok video lip syncing to Queen Key’s track “Take Yo Man.” She then agreed with a fan’s comment under the clip that called him the “weirdest” out of all her other exes.

“He probably is though, no lie,” Jenelle wrote.

In March 2023, Jenelle was granted full custody of Jace after he spent more than a decade in her mother’s care, telling Us Weekly  that she and mom Barbara Evans “decided together.”

“We want to build our relationship back as mother and daughter,” the former MTV personality said on March 18, 2023. “My mother agrees it’s time for Jace to be back with his siblings and living with a mother and father. She also thinks it’s important for Jace to be around a father figure to learn ‘boy things’ and have ‘men talk.’”

Andrew Lives in New York City

Once Andrew fell off the radar of the Teen Mom franchise, he kept his personal life to himself. However, it was revealed that he was living in New York City, calling it the “greatest city in the world,” in a 2017 Teen Mom 2 special titled, “Jenelle Evans: The Ex Files.”

Is Andrew on Social Media?

Although most of the Teen Mom dads and former stars have verified social media accounts, it doesn’t appear that Andrew has a public Instagram or Twitter for fans to keep up with.

Andrew Lewis Addressed Jace’s Runaway Attempts

Jace was reported missing in three runaway attempts in 2023. The first incident occurred on August 15 when Jace went missing after he left school. He was found a few hours later. Jenelle denied claims that the incident had to do with drama between her and husband David Eason, instead chalking it up to Jace rebelling after they took his phone away for getting in trouble at school.

Two weeks later, on August 28, Jenelle contacted authorities because she hadn’t heard from Jace in several hours. He was then found at a gas station near their home. In an exclusive statement to In Touch, Jenelle’s manager, August Keen, said Jace had gone exploring. “Jace is a teenager finding his independence, wanting a bit more freedom, and Jenelle is a momma bear,” August added.

After Jace’s second runaway incident, Andrew reached out to his son in a video obtained by The Sun.

“Jace, you’re 14 years old, and I heard that you ran away twice,” he said. “We need to talk.”

Andrew went on to say that he spoke to Jenelle and her mother, and they both said he would be able to talk to Jace when he became a teenager. However, he said that Jace hasn’t made himself available to talk.

“So I’m just letting you know since the only way I can reach out to you is the media. Want to talk, want to see me, want to Zoom, whatever you want. I’m right here, and always will be,” Andrew concluded.

Jace was then reported missing a third time on September 28 after police came to Jenelle’s house. She told them that her son had snuck out of a window and left his phone behind. Two days later, she told fans in a video that he had been located. “I just want privacy for me and my family right now,” Jenelle said. “He’s safe but that’s not the point of this video. I just kind of want to keep my content away from the drama right now, kay?”

CPS Got Involved After Jace’s Runaway Attempts

On October 2, 2023, In Touch confirmed that Jace had been checked into the hospital and was receiving a medical evaluation. “CPS got involved when Jace was checked into [the] hospital,” Jenelle’s manager exclusively told In Touch.

Following his hospitalization, Jace began living with Barbara after he accused David of assault. Though Jenelle denied the allegations made against her husband, David was later charged with misdemeanor child abuse.

David was indicted on child abuse charges during a hearing on January 10, 2024. “They found enough evidence to take his case out of district court, where misdemeanors are held, and bring it to superior,” a court clerk confirmed to In Touch at the time.

Jace also ran away again, this time from Barbara’s home, in November 2023, though he was found and placed in CPS care. It’s not clear who he has been living with since then, but a source told The Ashley that his living situation was “temporary” as of January 16, 2024. The insider also noted that Jace’s “caretaker” has “followed the [CPS] rules” and that the teen was “doing well.”

Meanwhile, Jenelle shared on February 15, 2024, that CPS’ case against her and David had been dropped. She explained in a TikTok video that “CPS took a voluntary dismissal.” Though Jenelle wasn’t initially planning to share the news, she said she wanted to “control the narrative” after the case was dropped.

“I’m focusing on Jace’s mental health and I want to focus solely on his mental health right now,” she added, noting that she wouldn’t be sharing other case details just yet. However, she claimed that “someone is already leaking information to the media” and believed it was either Andrew or Barbara because they were the “only two people who knew the information.”

“I’d appreciate it if everyone respects my son’s privacy so he can get his mental health in check,” Jenelle continued. “Just know that I am super happy. I feel like this is unreal. Still hasn’t hit me yet.”