The penultimate episode of The Challenge: All Stars season 4 finally revealed which players are running the final. T.J. Lavin revealed that the six contestants with stars were in the final, while the other six would have to compete once more for the last two remaining spots.

Cara Maria Sorbello, Nicole Zanatta, Veronica Portillo, Leroy Garrett, Ace Amerson and Steve Meinke got to relax and watch from the sidelines as Laurel Stucky, Averey Tressler, Flora Alekseyeva, Adam Larson, Ryan Kehoe and Derek Chavez fought for their spots. Flora, 52, decided to drop out of the competition before the challenge since her body was beat up and she was in no shape to compete.

Laurel, 39, dominated for the women, while Averey, 33, fell behind. Meanwhile, it was a tight race between Derek, 36, and Adam, 45, for the men, with Derek coming out on top. Averey, Adam, Ryan, 43, and Flora were sent packing, leaving Laurel and Derek to head to the final with the other six star holders.

The first part of the final had the players shooting paintball guns at targets while strapped to the top of moving cars. They each completed the task without the others watching, with the winner receiving an advantage in the next portion of the race. Leroy, 39, had the best score at the end of the segment.

Next, the competitors had to move a metal pole around a metal star contraption, but would be electrocuted if the edge of the pole ever touched the star. Leroy’s advantage was that he got to start with his pole a quarter of the way through the maze. The person to finish the task the slowest would be eliminated on the spot.

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Once again, the challenge was done individually without the other competitors watching. Some of the stars, like Leroy and Nicole, 33, tried to play mind games with their opponents by making the electric shock seem worse and more painful than it was. Despite their rekindled relationship, Nicole even fake cried to Laurel to psyche her out, since she knew her ex was one of the strongest competitors. Meanwhile, Ace, 45, and Veronica, 46, had no fear of being electrocuted and expertly completed the task in seconds.

The episode ended on a cliffhanger, with T.J., 47, revealing that Laurel and Derek were the bottom two. However, viewers won’t find out who the first person eliminated is until the season 4 finale on June 19, which is also when one of the other remaining players will become the sole champion and win $250,000.