Lunch, anyone? Austin Forsyth or Joy Duggar of Counting On fame appeared to serve up some tongue to the Duggar side of the family, at least according to a recent Instagram stories post on their joint Instagram account. And yes, you read that correctly — tongue. As in, some sort of animal tongue.

The mystery meat featured in the Instagram story wasn’t specifically identified, but the caption for one of the images does read, “Tongue, anyone???” And Josie Duggar, for one, looked like she wasn’t so sure she should test taste the dish.Check out the video above to see what we mean and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

To be fair, it’s not totally clear that either Austin or Joy was the one to serve up this strange dish. It could have easily been another Duggar, or someone else visiting the Duggar compound entirely. Enough people seem to hang around the house, so there’s really no way of knowing.

Josie Duggar Reacts To Eating Tongue
Instagram / Instagram

Indeed, in the third photo in Joy and Austin’s Instagram story on Nov. 19, someone tagged as @hawaiiansurfingboy is seen poking at the dish. That appears to be Elijah Kaneshiro, who seems to be friends with the Duggar family if his recent Instagram photos tell the whole story — he was at John and Abbie’s wedding, and he shows up in some Duggar family group shots, for instance.

But it wouldn’t be totally surprising if it was a Duggar who made the dish — if Jill’s recipes are anything to go by, they make some weird food on the regular. You’d think Josie would be used to it by now, but her face in that first photo suggests she really doesn’t know what to make of her dinner this time around!

At least this food didn’t appear to come out of a can, and doesn’t look like it’s meant to feed 100 people. Progress, people!

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