The Family Chantel stars Scott Wern and Lidia Morel have split after the couple had “vengeance sex” in the wake of Lidia’s son Pedro Jimeno’s concerns about Scott’s promiscuity.

The fallout came after Scott, 52, told Lidia, 56, about his physical confrontation with her son, Pedro, 32, after Pedro caught Scott on video flirting with other women on the show’s Monday, December 4, episode.

Scott admitted to Lidia about the recent gym fight that Pedro “came at [him] very aggressively” and “punched” him, and showed Lidia the marks on his body left by her son during the brawl.

Lidia defended Pedro’s aggressive behavior, saying it is normal for her kids to want to protect her. Scott, upset at the lack of empathy from Lidia about his injuries, called her cold reaction “crazy,” but added that he “will go with the craziness.”

Seemingly ready to brush off the feud, Scott told Lidia he does not have a problem with Pedro, and will love him at a later time. He then told Lidia he would like to “make some little Pedros tonight,” and both agreed to go to his hotel room.

About their encounter, Scott said, “Pedro will be calling me papi tomorrow,” and called their session, “pure vengeance sex,” adding, “this is for you, Pedro.”

Back at home, Lidia talked to her son about his fight with Scott, and Pedro told Lidia that Scott assaulted him, claiming Scott is manipulative. After Pedro showed Lidia the video of Scott talking to other women at the hotel pool, Lidia called Scott a “scoundrel” and a “vulgar charlatan.”

Their rocky relationship officially came to an end after Lidia confronted Scott in his hotel room about the footage of him flirting with other women. Scott claimed the videos didn’t mean anything, and said Lydia and her entire family will be single forever because they are “crazy.” In response, Lidia told Scott he is bad in bed.

Scott replied that the bad sex was Lidia’s fault, claiming she “just lays there” and that she “hasn’t had sex in 12 years and it shows.” After Scott insisted the sex with his Colombian ex was “the best [he] ever had,” Lidia called Scott a “bastard” and said their relationship was over.

Lidia returned home and told Pedro about her split, calling Scott a “womanizer” and reiterating that she is done with him.

Scott and Lidia’s breakup came after Pedro’s younger sister, Nicole Jimino, sent a friend to spy on Scott at his hotel, suspecting he had been flirting with other women. It was previously revealed that the videos featured Scott giving other women around the hotel his phone number.

In response to the videos, Pedro confronted Scott about his dishonesty with his mother as the pair worked out together on the show’s November 27 episode.

The fiery exchange turned into a physical brawl when Scott leaned in to Pedro and asked, “Are you here to kick my ass?” and pushed him. Despite Scott claiming he had good intentions with Pedro’s mother and that he talked to “everyone,” the fight continued to escalate, with the two eventually having to be separated by fellow gym goers.

The scrimmage ended with Pedro walking out of the room, and Scott saying he planned to have sex with Lidia out of spite.