We can all agree that Meghan Markle, 37, has brought her fair share of drama to the royal family ever since she got married to Prince Harry, 34, in May 2018. Her father, Thomas Markle, won’t stop trying to get in touch with his daughter, while her half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr., mailed a letter to the red-headed prince before their nuptials, urging him to not marry his sister. So, at what point would Queen Elizabeth step in and intervene? In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Princess Diana’s former royal butler, Paul Burrell, explains what the Queen most likely thinks of Meghan’s crazy family.

“Meghan must tackle the issue and put it to bed herself,” Paul revealed to In Touch. “The Queen would never reach out to solve such a personal family problem with her grandson’s wife’s father. The Queen would rather pass it over as she would consider it to be none of her business.”

Former Royal Butler Believes The Queen ‘Would Never Reach Out’ To Meghan Markle’s Father
Anwar Hussein/WireImage

Luckily, it doesn’t seem like the Queen is too fazed by any of the nonsense. “Her Majesty reads the newspapers every morning at her breakfast table,” he confessed. “She has seen it all before — upsets, scandals, and divorces. She takes everything she reads with a pinch of salt and has never interfered in any of her children or grandchildren’s marriages. Her mantra is simple — they make their own beds, so they must lie on them.”

Former Royal Butler Believes The Queen ‘Would Never Reach Out’ To Meghan Markle’s Father

For now, it seems like Thomas isn’t going away any time soon unless his daughter gets through to him. “Meghan’s father is a problem of today and can only be silenced or tamed by one person, Meghan,” Paul revealed. “In this age of social media, everyone has become a reporter or photographer. News is much faster and more viral than it ever was before. The only way to deal with a family situation like this is to stem it at the source.”


Welp, hopefully the mom-to-be can get her family under control ASAP.

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