Miley Cyrus

Eyewitness! “The best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow,” the 30-year-old recalled of a bizarre incident. “I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too.” The “Midnight Sky” singer added that she saw a “being” sitting in the UFO. “It looked at me and we made eye contact.”

Post Malone 

Don’t go into the light! The rapper, 28, described seeing a “classic forcefield” from the balcony of his Tarzana, California, home. “And I’m like, ‘How did no one else see this?’ But I was there with, like, f**kin’ four other people, and they saw it too!”

Goldie Hawn 

The 77-year-old recently revealed that in her 20s, she was once surrounded by aliens. “I was paralyzed, and I thought, ‘Oh my God. I want to get up,’” the Overboard actress told the audio show Time to Walk. Then one of the creatures — “they were silver in color, slash for a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears” — touched her face. “It felt like the finger of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling.”

Demi Lovato

“We went out into the desert in Joshua Tree and I basically saw this blue orb that was about 50 feet away, maybe less, and it was kind of, like, floating above the ground, just like 10 or 15 feet, and it was kind of keeping its distance from me,” the 31-year-old said of an eerie encounter a few years ago.

Nick Jonas

The JoBro had his UFO sighting confirmed! “I was in my backyard in L.A., I looked up in the sky and there was three flying saucers,” the 31-year-old revealed. “I went online and there were three identical sightings two weeks before. There was me, my friend and a bunch of people in L.A. that all saw it.”