A favorite series among true crime fans, Unsolved Mysteries, recently released its third installment of the hit Netflix reboot: “House of Terror.” The episode explores the story of a wealthy French family, the Dupont de Ligonnèses, who vanished out of the blue in 2011. Law enforcement found all but one of the Dupont de Ligonnès family members — father Count Xavier — dead. Scroll below for more details.

Who Was the Dupont de Ligonnès Family?

The Dupont de Ligonnèses were a wealthy family from Nantes, France. Count Xavier and his wife Agnès raised their four children — Arthur, Thomas, Anne, and Benoît — and lived a pretty normal life. Xavier was a businessman while Agnès worked as a Catholic school teacher.

The Family Went Missing, and Were Later Found Dead

In April 2011, neighbors began to worry about the old aristocratic family after they had not been seen for a few days. Shortly after their disappearance, friends and family received a letter from the Dupont de Ligonnèses explaining they had been recruited to work undercover for the Drug Enforcement Agency in the United States. In the letter dated April 11, 2011, Xavier also said his family was part of the Witness Protection Program and would be unreachable for the next few years.


Concerned and in disbelief over their shocking letters, police went to the Dupont de Ligonnès residence six times in one week. On April 21, authorities came across the bodies of Agnès, Arthur, Anne, and Benoît in the family’s garden. Thomas was placed in a separate grave nearby. Each of the bodies held a religious symbol and was wrapped in blankets and plastic. The family’s dogs were buried under their terrace. Autopsy reports showed the victims were drugged and then shot with a .22 long rifle as they laid asleep.

Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes Was the Only Relative Never Found

While the bodies of Agnès, Arthur, Anne, Benoît and Thomas were found, the family’s patriarch was nowhere in sight.

Although authorities believe Xavier killed his family and then fled, there is no physical evidence connecting him to the murders. Police were unable to find his whereabouts and he is still missing today.