A seat filler at the 2023 Grammy has revealed what Jennifer Lopez said to Ben Affleck during what appeared to be a heated conversation during the February 5 event. It was actually sweeter than what fans might have thought from their tense expressions.

Social media user @almostannna shared in a TikTok video that she ended up seated at the power couple’s table. “I was next to them for a good bit of it. That was my favorite seat. I was right in front of Beyoncé,” she began, then explained, “So, I didn’t know the meme of Ben Affleck being upset at award shows, like I didn’t know that was a thing, but…”

“J.Lo showed Ben the phone and was like, ‘Oh my god, honey, look at this meme circulating about you,’ and he was like, ‘Oh god, this again,’” Anna revealed about how the Argo actor became a Twitter sensation for looking completely miserable during the show’s cutaways featuring the couple.

At one point, Jennifer leaned over and gave Ben a nudge to the chest with an annoyed expression on her face and whispered something to him as host Trevor Noah did a skit beside them. The Hustlers star then brightly smiled once she realized they were on camera as her husband’s face sank.

Anna also went on to reveal that Ben allegedly did nothing to change his behavior even though he knew his dreary expression was the talk of social media. “Like, he knew during the performance that he was a meme. Like, he knew, and he also chose just not to change his expression. I love how unbothered that is,” she shared.

Ben Affleck Transformation
Rob Latour/Shutterstock

It turned out Jennifer found Ben’s bored expressions going viral hilarious, while he was upset. “So, I know that she was like on her phone and saw it and was like, ‘Honey this is so funny, look at this,’ and he was like ‘Jesus Christ.’”

The Justice League star’s weary face at the event became the talk of Twitter. “However bad of a day you’re having, I promise you’re not as miserable as Ben Affleck at the Grammys right now,” one user tweeted during the show, while another added, “Ben Affleck is every husband dragged to a work thing by his wife.”

Even during the upbeat “Back to Motown” medley when Jennifer was shown happily dancing along as the pair stood side-by-side, the Oscar winner appeared sullen. “Ben Affleck would rather be anywhere else than front row at the Grammys 2023 watching Stevie Wonder crush ‘Higher Ground,'” another Twitter fan wrote. 

According to Anna, the couple was far happier when the cameras weren’t on them. “They were very smitten though,” she revealed about Ben and Jennifer. “They were super lovey dove-y, like their hands were always intertwined. Like, I don’t know how to describe it, but they just were, so it wasn’t like, ‘Oh my god, this is going to lead to divorce,’ like, they were cute,” she recalled.

The day after the Grammys, the “On the Floor” singer shared a series of photos and videos of the couple before, during and after the event, gushing in the caption, “Always the best time with my love, my husband.”