So… what’s the real meaning behind Selena Gomez‘s new “Bad Liar” music video?

They say that life imitates art — and that may, unfortunately, be true in Selena’s case. The 24-year-old singer just released her music video (or as she’s calling it, film) for her latest single, “Bad Liar.” The video is different from anything she’s ever made because she plays four parts in it: a male teacher, a young student, a flirtatious teacher, and of course, a suspecting wife. The 1970s-themed story might be a work of fiction, but it feels eerily familiar to Selena’s love life.

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Last week, sources exclusively told In Touch that the singer is paranoid that her boyfriend, The Weeknd is cheating on her. Hmmm… similar to how the wife she plays in her vid (correctly) suspects her husband is sneaking around on her.

“Selena’s paranoid that fans will be throwing themselves at The Weeknd and he’ll be tempted to stray,” the source admitted. “Selena’s acting so crazy that he’s starting to have second thoughts about their relationship. Friends are concerned that it’s only a matter of time before it all ends in tears due to Selena’s self-sabotaging ways.”

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In the video, the young student character is showed watching her male teacher continue to flirt with her female teacher. It’s easy for the viewer to assume that the student has a crush on her older teacher and is tortured by seeing him chase another woman. It’s only at the end of the video that it’s revealed that’s not the entire story. The character of the suspecting wife is sitting at the table with her husband, the male teacher (and is clearly onto his cheating ways) as he on cue mouths the lyrics “guess I’m a bad liar.”

selena gomez male

Moments later — plot twist! — the young student busts through the door because, duh, she lives there and the male teacher is her father and the suspecting woman is her mother. Is your mind blown yet? Because there’s more. She runs up the steps completely ignoring her parents in true ~teenager~ fashion and proceeds to dance around her bedroom in a nightgown. She then crawls onto her bed and pretends to be asleep when her mom comes to check on her. It’s only in the final few moments that we see her stroking a polaroid… of the female teacher who she’s apparently been crushing on all along.

So, it turns out there were multiple “bad liars” in the video — let’s just hope Selena isn’t dating one IRL.