Jon & Kate Plus 8 alum Collin Gosselin has fully turned his life around after his mom, Kate Gosselin, had him admitted into a psychiatric hospital in 2017. After custody of the then 14-year-old was granted to his father, Jon Gosselin, upon his release, Collin – along with his sister Hannah Gosselin and their father – went on to live a relatively quiet life. 

Collin Gosselin Was in a Psych Hospital for 2 Years 

Collin opened up about the time he spent at the Philadelphia-based psychiatrist hospital, Fairmount Behavioral Health System, which Kate sent him to amid his alleged behavioral issues. The recent high school graduate admitted that the experience took a toll on him “mentally,” adding, “It was a really, really dark place. All I had was myself. I didn’t have anybody else. You know, I had no support system. It was scary. I was confused. I was lost.”

According to Kate, Collin “has received multiple psychiatric diagnoses over the years.”

“For the safety of myself, his brothers and sisters and for his own well-being, he was placed in a facility following the years of outpatient treatment which proved insufficient for his needs. The decision to admit him was made by emergency room doctors following one of his many attacks/outbursts – this one involving his use of a weapon,” she added via Instagram on July 21.

While Collin claimed no parent had visited him throughout his stay, Kate responded, “This is one of many, many lies he told.”

“I visited as often as was allowed by his doctors,” she claimed via Instagram. As for Jon’s lack of visitation, Kate added, “The court initially disallowed Jon from knowing where Collin was for a number of valid reasons.”

Collin Lived With Jon After Leaving the Hospital

Collin wrote a letter to Jon while he was in the psychiatric hospital and asked for help, he revealed during Vice TV’s Dark Side of the 2000s.

“I spent $1 million to get my son out,” Jon claimed during the docuseries. After noting that he used testimony and psych evaluations to help build his case, Jon admitted he spent “everything [he] had” to help Collin.

Kate ​lost custody of Collin to Jon in December 2018 after she failed to show up to a court hearing. The former TLC personality requested the court date be postponed prior to the meeting. However, her request was ultimately denied and Collin moved in with Jon and his sister Hannah that same month. Hannah had previously moved in with Jon in May of that year.

Collin Graduated from High School

While reflecting on his high school graduation in June, Collin seemingly shaded his mom by omitting her from his Instagram post. 

“I want to first thank my amazing sister, Hannah, for standing by me and supporting me, she is my number 1,” he wrote at the time. “I would like to thank my dad, who has taught me so much about running into hard times and moving past them, about resilience. Thank you dad for always supporting my decisions, and having my back when I bite off more than I can chew. I’d like to thank Colleen for rooting for me day in and day out. When you think of someone you want by your side, you think of Colleen. And as I’ve told her many times, she is my motivator for being successful in this world.”

Collin Joined the United States Marines

“No hate towards the Army, but the challenge of the Marine Corps just appealed to me more,” Collin shared following his high school grad. “This chapter of my life has come to a close … Next stop Parris Island and soon after I will be studying Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in college! Can’t wait!!!”

According to Jon, Collin is currently “training to be a Marine in order to serve his country.”

“Collin had to be cleared by the Marines with a full background check including mental, physical and medical clearance through the U.S. Marine corp. The government’s full diagnoses clearly reflects the truth,” Jon’s statement continued, despite Kate alleging that Collin was not “truthful” in order to enlist.