Fans the world over first fell for David Graham during his first appearance on Big Brother 2006. The ​then-26-year-old endeared viewers with his laid-back nature and salt-of-the-earth personality. Farmer Dave ​has certainly led a rich life ever since. What is he up to now?

What Happened to Farmer Dave After ‘Big Brother’?

David, who turned 44 in 2023, hit some rough patches after Big Brother 2006 ended. While he loved traveling around Australia giving press tours, being “screamed at like rock stars” and shouting out charitable causes on the road, he admitted that during that time his farm “plunged further into drought with massive losses.”

The drought “just kept getting worse,” David said. “I had to give up being an ‘absentee’ farmer worrying about helping others and get back and help my sheep, as the dams dried up and the feed blew away with the dust storms.”

Piling bills prompted the Big Brother alum to sign on to Dancing With the Stars, which became extra supportive of David and the other Aussie farmers suffering economically.

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“They were keen to highlight drought affected farmers and their plight as well as the money from voting going to a drought affected farmers’ charity,” David said in praise of the show.

Eventually, Farmer Dave scaled back his operation, saying, “I could look beyond the farm in the foreseeable future.”

And look beyond the farm he did.

What ​Is Farmer Dave ​Doing ​Now?

Aside from occasionally showing back up on TV, like when he appeared on America’s Got Talent or gave Big Brother another go in 2022, Farmer Dave now primarily works with vulnerable young people, helping them develop crucial life and work skills after cofounding the youth program, Rufftrack.

The program, which serves 12-17 year olds, teaches kids responsibility and care through animal training, as well as community and farm work, too.

In addition to working with at-risk children, David also travels extensively for his successful speaking career, hosts a ​web series, Problem Solvers, and regularly posts to his YouTube channel and Instagram.

What ​About Farmer Dave’s Family?

David, who came out as gay during his first run on Big Brother, announced his engagement to his partner, Shazli, in January 2023.

David Graham with fiance

“After a lifetime of looking, I am absolutely and completely in love with the kindest, calmest, most decent hard-working bloke who balances me perfectly,” he fawned.

David is already the donor father to four children and is very close with their ​mothers.

“When I came out, I thought children was something I had to shut the door on, so to have genetic kids through being a donor dad has been amazing,” he said in May 2022. He takes his responsibilities seriously, trying to lend support to his children’s mothers.

“They’ve got super-loving families around them and all that sort of stuff, and I’m a donor dad, so it’s a little bit different to a full-time role of a father, but a dad’s a dad,” he said.

There’s little doubt more kids are on the way for Farmer Dave, who comes from a family of 11.

“I love kids,” he said. “My dream would definitely be to have a dozen kids myself.”