Jon Gosselin rose to fame alongside his now ex-wife, Kate Gosselin (née Kreider), as they raised their eight children — sextuplets and twins — in Pennsylvania on the hit TLC show Jon & Kate Plus 8. He appeared on the show from 2007 to 2009, when he and Kate got divorced. The TLC series continued as Kate Plus 8 until its cancelation in 2017. So, what happened to Jon after his exit? y.

Is Jon Gosselin Married?

Because of the show, Jon and Kate’s divorce was very public and surrounded by rumors of infidelity. While Jon denied that he cheated on Kate, he did allege that she verbally abused him throughout their relationship. Jon and Kate have had a rocky relationship since their divorce. 

Jon has been in two known relationships since ending things with Kate. He started dating a divorced mom named Liz Jannetta in 2012, and the relationship lasted two years. Then, in 2015, he started a long-term relationship with Colleen Conrad, a registered nurse. They dated until 2021. Colleen was diagnosed with breast cancer about four months prior to their split, which Jon said factored into their decision to end things.

“We had ongoing issues previous to our breakup and previous to her diagnosis, so we had trouble in the relationship for a long time and didn’t really want any stress during her treatment,” he revealed on Dr. Oz in January 2023. “I’ll always love Colleen and we’re friends and it wasn’t because of cancer.”

Does Jon Gosselin Have a Girlfriend?

In August 2023, Jon revealed that he has been secretly dating a woman named Stephanie Lebo for two years. 

“We met at a backyard barbecue at a mutual friend Dean’s house,” Jon said in an interview. “It was a hillbilly thing we let fireworks off, it was fun. I had been single for a few months after Colleen [Conrad] and I broke up.”

Jon and Stephanie started messaging each other after the party and “never stopped talking.” They went on a date and hit it off, so Jon asked his friend if he was OK with Jon and Stephanie making things official. 

“I called Dean because he is like Steph’s brother and I said, ‘Did you ever hook up with Stephanie?’ and he said, ‘No man she’s like my sister,’ and then I called Stephanie and asked her the same she said, ‘No way he’s like my brother,’” Jon added. “So I called Dean back and said, ‘Do you mind if I ask Steph out?’ And he said, ‘No I don’t mind, but if you hurt her I’ll kill you, I’ll snap you in half.’ And he’s a big guy!”

What Is Jon Gosselin’s Job?

Jon’s career after reality TV has gone in a few different directions. He’s worked as a waiter and host at restaurants, as a solar panel installer, and as an IT director. These days, however, Jon appears to be focused on his music career. He is a DJ and often shares footage on Instagram of his work at gigs along the east coast.

What Is Jon’s Relationship With His Kids Like Today?

Jon and Kate share sextuplets Aaden, Joel, Alexis, Leah, Collin and Hannah, as well as twins Mady and Cara. However, he has been estranged from most of his children since his divorce from Kate. Alexis, Aaden, Leah, and Joel moved to North Carolina with their mother. Meanwhile, Mady and Cara both attend college in New York. Kate lost custody of first Hannah and then Collin in 2018, and the two of them moved in with their father in Pennsylvania.

Jon, Collin and Hannah appeared on Vice TV’s Dark Side of the 2000s on July 18, 2023, in an episode titled “Jon & Kate Plus 8: Family Circus.” The trio discussed their time on reality TV and their relationships with the rest of the Gosselins. Jon said that he has “no access” to his other children, as they have refused to speak to him.

“I have no idea why they stopped coming. I have no answers. Like, none. It’s the worst,” he said. “I’d rather it be like, ‘You’re an a–hole,’ or, you know, ‘I hate you, and you did this to mom,’ or something,” he continued. “I have nothing. It’s like I have no closure.”

Still, Jon hasn’t lost hope that he can rebuild his relationships with Aaden, Joel, Alexis, Leah, Mady and Cara, who are all over the age of 18 now.

“My door has always been open to them, and I hope now they are adults they may want to reach out,” he told The Sun in April 2023.

And it seems his hope wasn’t misplaced, as a source told The Sun eight months later that Jon sees his estranged children “future communicating with him.”

“It seems more real all the time. The chances are better now than they were before,” the source said. “There is alleviated pressure. Now that they’re in their adulthood, they are expressing themselves as individuals more now than they could or would have been before. Jon has reached out to his kids on many holidays and birthdays, but while the kids are still living at home with Kate, he has never heard back from them. He has high hopes that as soon as they are all out of the house and Kate can no longer push her agenda, he can begin to rebuild a relationship.”

The source concluded that Jon knows it will “take time,” but he is dedicated to rekindling relationships with his kids. “He will do everything to make up for lost years together,” the insider added.

Did Jon Win His Child Support Legal Fight With Kate?

In Touch confirmed that Jon won his legal fight with Kate in November 2023, allowing him to evade paying his ex $132,000 in back child support.