More than a year after his near-fatal snow machine accident, Jeremy Renner has a rumored new girlfriend and she has quite a colorful history. Fans are clamoring to know more about Amber Monson amid news that the Marvel star allegedly insulted her family during a trip to his Lake Tahoe home.

How Did Jeremy Renner Meet Amber Monson?

The duo allegedly met in a local club in Reno, Nevada, in August 2023, her family told The Daily Mail in a January 2024 interview. Jeremy has owned a remote ranch in Reno along Lake Tahoe for nearly a decade.

While the pair reportedly began their romance by hooking up, things grew more serious when he started video chatting with Amber’s family in the months that followed, according to her older brother, Jason Nelms. “They met downtown in Reno. They video chatted all the time,” Amber’s younger brother, Dillon Overholt, told the publication, saying he’d been present for some of their video chats.

“One text from him says ‘I’ll come get you lover’ with a heart, so yeah I’d say they were romantically involved,” he added.

amber monson selfie
Courtesy of Amber Monson/Insstagram

What does Amber Monson Do for a Living?

Amber lists her career as “professional hair & make-up artist in Reno, Nevada,” on her Instagram bio.

Does Amber Monson Have Children?

Amber says she’s the “proud mother to an amazing son,” in her profile, although she did not reveal his name. She shared a photo of the school-age boy and the new hair color she gave him in a June 2020 picture with the caption, “Teal highlights and a gentlemen’s cut for my little stud muffin.”

Her family told The Daily Mail that she shares her son with her estranged husband, who has custody of the child.

Does Amber Monson Have an Arrest Record?

Amber stole a state-owned car in Carson City, Nevada, on April 9, 2021, taking it on a high-speed chase that resulted in her ramming the vehicle into several sheriff’s units and parked cars, damaging eight vehicles altogether before being taken into custody, according to court records viewed by In Touch.

She later pled guilty to four felonies, including eluding police, battery with use of a deadly weapon, assault with use of a deadly weapon and possession of a stolen vehicle, and was sentenced to serve between 24 and 60 months in prison, the Carson City District Court clerk told The Daily Mail.

Amber was arrested on December 13, 2023, in Washoe County, Nevada, for violating the terms of her parole, although she was later released. Her brother Jason told the outlet she had stopped showing up for work and was busted by her probation officer.

“She was dealt a bad hand in life. She’s definitely had some bad times with drugs and stuff like that,” Dillon told the publication about his sister.

Amber has faced a number of other run-ins with the law. In 2017, she and her then-husband were the recipients of a civil complaint of $2,500 or under, and the pair were handed down another civil complaint in 2020 for $2,500 to $5,000. She was evicted in 2018, and filed for divorce from her husband in 2020, according to court records viewed by In Touch.

“.04. To many this is just a number, for me it is the percentage of us that survive human trafficking. 50 percent is the number of victims that are under the age of 16. Nevada has the 2nd highest rate for human trafficking in our country. For one to think this can’t happen to you, or your daughter, a sister or a friend would be naïve,” Amber said in a statement to In Touch about her arrest. “I, too, was once ignorant of these very real statistics, until I survived it myself, which recently came to light in a very unfortunate way. I was a survivor of domestic violence that forced me to homelessness, as living in my car was safer than the alternative, or so I thought. Homelessness left me vulnerable to worse, deleterious dangers. Dangerous criminals prey upon women and girls suffering in poverty, and it’s easy to be tricked into thinking someone is there to help you.”

After noting it can take weeks to get into a women’s shelter, Amber said that many “women and children are out in the cold and in danger” before they can find a place to stay. “We have a serious shortage of shelters for those in emergency criteria. I had to experience this firsthand and when I was taken and came across a child that was also taken I did everything in my power to escape and get that child out of harm’s way,” she continued. “Three years ago, trafficking was fairly unheard of on a public scale, I had no idea about it. I came from a prominent and affluent family, whom I lost mostly during Covid. My salon business failed, the California fires burned my estate. I experienced total destitution in one short year. I was ignorant to the second most profitable crime in the world, trafficking … humans being transactional.”

“When I had to appropriate a vehicle, I prayed God would get me and that child to safety where the police could help. I did not hit eight vehicles which original news articles alleged. No one was hurt. Authorities were made aware of the criminal ring I almost fell victim to, and I have served my time for the appropriation of the vehicle,” she said. “I have paid my dues owed to my community for the confusion I did not intend to place on my community. Local authorities did an amazing job through the arrest, and their efforts in protecting everyone involved, as well as my attorney, Richard P Davies, of Reno, who helped expose the very real circumstances I experienced and overcame.”

Amber continued, “One cannot easily explain the effects of trauma in such a deep place of survival mode, but thanks to movies such as the “Sound of Freedom”, and the recent light that has been shed on the Epstein cases, I am no longer afraid to speak up. I have done so much healing and education, and I continue to stay true to my humanitarian efforts I’ve enjoyed my whole life and stay true to my altruism. I have total support from my community, family, friends and authorities through my journey, and I am thriving. Success is not a straight line, so those trying… don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing a great job. If I can inspire one struggling person to find the strength to speak up, or to find recovery, or one cop to listen, and for women and girls to not care what bullies, or keyboard warriors have to say, then everything I have been through and overcame is worth it to me.”

Why Does Jeremy Renner Live in Reno?

The Hurt Locker star has said in the past that he prefers life in Reno over Hollywood. “In a big city, it’s hard to find community and even know your neighbors in a big city, but with Reno, I find I know quite a few people here. It’s just big enough, and it’s just small enough for me, and I love it,” Jeremy told the Reno Gazette in 2019. He added, “There’s no traffic, clean air, clean water, friendly, smiling faces here. I think it’s a majestic place.”