Liz Wilcox’s journey on season 46 of Survivor came to an end during the finale. Liz made it to the final four before she was sent home after losing the fire making challenge against Kenzie Petty.

What Is Liz From ‘Survivor’ Season 46’s Job?

Liz is a marketing strategist and considers herself to be an “entrepreneur,” as she owns her own company called Smart Passive Income. In her Instagram bio, she refers to herself as someone who will “[change] your mind about email marketing.”

In an interview with Parade, Liz explained, “So when you go to a restaurant or retail and they say, ‘Oh, enter your email,’ and then you promptly ignore all their emails? I teach companies how to get people like you and me to actually open up that email and purchase.” 

who is liz wilcox meet season 46 contestant

She started the company after spending four years as an RV travel blogger. “I got really successful and people kept asking me, ‘How are you making money with a blog?’ And I said, ‘Oh, I have an email list,’” Liz recalled. “And once enough people asked me that, I said, ‘Actually, I think I need to sell that business and go all in teaching people email marketing.’ Because it changed my life.”

The membership program for Liz’s company costs $9.

Before creating Smart Passive Income, Liz previously owned two other businesses. She started The Virtual Campground after her years of experience in an RV and sold it for $25,000, according to Decider. The Florida resident also founded a virtual RV summit called Full-Time Freedom Week, which she said in 2023 that she was bought out of. 

How Much Money Does Liz From ‘Survivor’ Season 46 Make?

Liz appears to make a hefty income from her company. “I run a multiple-six-figure email marketing membership where I help 4,000-plus entrepreneurs make money with email,” Liz’s LinkedIn bio says. She also revealed in 2023 that she makes $20,000 a month, per Decider.

During an episode of Survivor, Liz admitted to her fellow castaways that she wasn’t competing on the show for the $1 million prize. In fact, she said she didn’t need the money due to the success of her company.

Is Survivor’s Liz Wilcox Married?

Liz is divorced from her ex-husband. She told Parade that her ex was in the military, which left her feeling lonely at times, so she watched Survivor for comfort. 

“It brought me back to life,” Liz admitted. However, she also said that, “Getting a divorce wasn’t too difficult for me.” 

Liz revealed that she was the one who asked her ex-husband to get married and admitted she didn’t hesitate to end their relationship when things got difficult. “When he said, ‘I don’t know if this is working,’ I left 48 hours later,” Liz shared.

Does Survivor’s Liz Wilcox Have Kids?

Liz has a daughter and credits the child with getting her to apply for Survivor

“I applied because my daughter kind of dared me,” the business owner told Parade in February 2024. “She’s 8 years old. I’ve always loved the show. I always thought, ‘I think I could be on that show.’ I think I am a character. And about six months ago, I was watching with my daughter, and Jeff [Probst] comes on the screen and he’s like, ‘All this could be yours now.’ And I said, ‘I think I could do really well on the show.’ And my daughter, who was seven at the time, she said, ‘Are you going to talk about it? Or are you going to do it?’”

who is survivors liz wilcox meet season 46 contestnant

Once Liz did apply, she said she got a response back in 10 minutes. Then she “filled out the application” and received a phone call three hours after that. “Ten days later, I was talking to Jeff. A couple months later, I was in L.A.”

During a season 46 episode, Liz opened up about her and her daughter’s weekly tradition of going to Applebee’s for dinner. She shared the story amid a reward challenge where the prize was a meal from Applebee’s. Liz wasn’t picked to go on the reward and had an emotional breakdown because the restaurant is so important to her and her daughter.

What Are ‘Survivor’ Contestant Liz Wilcox’s Food Allergies?

Liz has talked about her food allergies on Survivor and said she’s allergic to “a few dozen things,” including fruit, chicken and eggs.

“If I eat eggs, I feel like I’m drunk,” Liz shared in her Parade interview. “And it’s incredibly rare.”

However, Liz said her allergies were actually helpful when it came to Survivor. “I’ve had to learn what food scarcity is,” she shared. “To really fear food and wonder, ‘Where’s my next meal coming from? Is this safe to eat?’ … And hopefully none of my other contestants and castaways have had that food insecurity and scarcity and I can’t wait to watch them crumble. I can’t wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, to look at something and know they can’t eat it.”