Back in October 2017, 16 and Pregnant alum Lindsey Harrison gave birth to a set of twins, Jackson and Paisley, whom she shares with husband TJ Nicholson. Born prematurely at just 29 weeks, both babies faced many obstacles in the NICU, including battles with various infections and meningitis. But the two defied all odds and recently turned seven months old in early June. Check out the video above to see some exclusive pics of the adorable twins!

Luckily, Jackson's health took a turn for the better, and he has since become a fully healthy little boy! "Jackson is doing amazing," Lindsey, who is also mother to daughter Aniyah, exclusively told In Touch. "That little boy just eats and laughs. He said his first word this week which was 'daddy' and he's almost crawling."

Paisley, on the other hand, has unfortunately continued to have her fair share of health battles, but she's thankfully on the mend. In the earlier months of her life, the little girl experienced liver failure and doctors were unable to determine the cause. But, she's proving she truly is a miracle baby! "Paisley is doing a million times better than she was a few months ago," the mom-of-three continued. "Her liver has completely healed itself. So much, in fact, we don't have to see her liver specialist anymore. She still has her feeding tube in her stomach, but we haven't had to use it in over two months. She gets that taken out [this] week."

Lindsey, who is juggling motherhood alongside her real estate career, continued: "Paisley is the sweetest and happiest baby. She is very attached to Mama and Daddy and doesn't trust many people like Jackson does since anytime any new person would hold her it was to stick a needle in her to draw blood or give antibiotics." But the seven-month-old is getting stronger and stronger every day. "Paisley is catching up to big brother fast. Although she's seven months, she's like a five-month-old — which is more than OK since they were born two and a half months early." Go Paisley!

At first, the little girl regularily saw a speech therapist, but "they said she's doing so well now with her eating they don't need to see her," the proud mama continued. However, Paisley will continue to see both occupational and physical therapists at home to "work on her strength."

She also underwent eye surgery on Monday, June 18, "to correct her left eye as the vessels stopped growing in one spot where her peripheral vision is." If she hadn't undergone the surgery, they'd risk scar tissue growing over the center of her eye, resulting in blindness. Luckily, it was caught early and the surgery was successful!

"Paisley's surgery went great," Lindsey, 23, explained to In Touch. "[The doctor] was able to fix her left eye and she was able to leave last night after a few hours of observation. Typically they let people go home right after, but [Paisley] being a preemie, sometimes they will forget to breathe so they decided to keep her as a precaution."

Hopefully, the milestones will keep on coming for both Jackson and Paisley. "Our sweet girl has gone through more in her first seven months of life than most do in 60 years," Lindsey continued. "This little one has taught me how precious life is and to truly enjoy every day! She still has a long road, but each day she's showing signs of growth."

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